学术报告—Walking into Slavery with Open Eyes: The Descent of “Science”
时间: 2023-03-31 来源:
Walking into Slavery with Open Eyes: The Descent of “Science”
摘 要:The very morality of our science is at risk when science becomes ever increasingly institutionalised, when science administrators become ever increasingly obsessed with the quantitative measurement of scientific output, when political leaders and the public dismiss, disregard or fail to understand science, and when many “scientists” manipulate science for political correctness to please government and bureaucracy for funding, supremacy or control. The speaker will share and discuss his provocative theses and antitheses on academia – industry interactions and collaboration, based on his analysis of the historical evolution of the university, science, engineering and technological science, and illustrated by his own successful and unsuccessful experiences in R&D and in interacting with business. He believes knowledge belongs to society and technology belongs to the industry.
时 间:4月12日(周三)下午14:30—16:30
地 点:教一14阶梯教室(二楼)
张东柯,澳大利亚工程院院士、西澳大学教授、西澳大学燃料与能源研究中心创建者及主任。1993年获博士学位后被聘为阿德雷德大学讲师,1999年被聘为科廷科技大学教授,成为澳大利亚最年轻的工程学科教授之一。2002年创建西澳燃料与能源研究中心,2011年被Engineers Australia评选为年度最具影响的100名工程学家。主要研究兴趣:煤的清洁转化与可持续能源及资源化利用、可再能源等