















2013.05-2014.08 美国麻省理工学院(MIT)核工系,访问学者

2007.09-2012.03 华北电力大学热能工程专业,获工学博士学位

2002.09-2005.04 华北电力大学热能工程专业,获工学硕士学位

1998.09-2002.07 华北电力大学热能工程专业,获工学学士学位


2024.12-现在 华北电力大学学科建设处,处长

2023.01-现在 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,二级教授

2020.07-2024.12 华北电力大学研究生院,副院长

2019.01-现在 国家火力发电工程技术研究中心,副主任

2018.09-2020.07 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副院长

2018.07-现在 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,博士生导师

2018.01-2022.12 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,教授

2016.06-2019.01 电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,副主任

2013.01-2017.12 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授















1. 国家科技创新领军人才称号,2022年;

2. 超(超)临界电站锅炉高温腐蚀防治技术及应用,中国电力科学技术进步一等奖,第2完成人,2021年;

3. 超超临界电站锅炉服役安全关键技术与工程应用,河北省科学技术进步二等奖,第1完成人,2021年;

4. 中国电力优秀科技工作者,2023年;

5. 首届全国高校黄大年式教学团队成员,2018年;

6. 全国节能减排大赛国家一等奖(指导教师),2017年;

7. 江苏省“科技副总”特聘专家,2016年;








朱忠亮、周密、潘佩媛、李开洋、张天翼、姜 楠






朱忠亮、蒋东方、Hasan Izhar Khan、肖博、陈震宇、王碧辉、苏超




(1) 国家**计划科技创新领军人才项目,起止时间:2022.10-2027.12,项目负责人;

(2) 国防科技重大专项课题:燃煤火电厂**环境建立,起止时间:2022.11-2025.06,项目负责人;

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:高温超临界CO2中铁素体-马氏体钢氧化与碳化耦合腐蚀机理(52071140),起止时间:2021.01-2024.12,项目负责人;

(4) 国家重点研发计划课题:**大型能源基地******与******术(2020YFC0827001),起止时间:2021.01-2023.12,负责人;

(5) 北京市科技计划项目:超超临界锅炉管镍基合金优化及验证(Z181100005218006),起止时间:2018.01-2020.06,项目负责人;

(6) 国家自然-科学基金面上项目:溶氧超临界水环境镍基合金应力腐蚀开裂裂尖扩展的微观机理研究(51471069),起止时间:2015.01-2019.12,项目负责人;

(7) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于氧化膜多孔性的超临界水环境金属氧化动力学模型(51201064),起止时间:2013.01-2015.12,项目负责人;

(8) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:超(超)临界机组锅炉受热面安全与寿命管理(51134016),起止时间:2012.01-2015.12,研究骨干;

(9) 国家重点研发计划子课题:高温S-CO2透平候选材料碳化腐蚀试验研究(2017YFB0601804),起止时间:2017.07-2021.06,项目负责人;

(10) 北京市自然科学基金面上项目:高温水蒸汽环境镍基合金应力腐蚀开裂裂尖扩展的原位环境透射电镜研究(2152029),起止时间:2015.01-2017.12,项目负责人;

(11) 国家科技部高端外专项目:储能与氢能电站设备服役安全(G2021124012L),项目负责人;

(12) 国家科技部高端外专项目:700C 超超临界汽轮机关键技术研发(020190001303),项目负责人;

(13) 教育部能源动力类教指委重点项目:实现优秀本科生在科研实验室创新能力培养的UROP平台(NDJZW2016Z-13),起止时间:2016.12-2018.12,项目负责人;

(14) 教育部能源动力类教指委面上项目:能源动力类专业博士创新实践培养研究(NSJZW2021Y-21),起止时间:2022.02-2024.02,项目负责人;


(1) 中国华电集团山东公司,电力现货交易模式下受热面安全和厚壁部件热应力监测与调控技术,起止时间: 2024.10-2025.12,项目负责人;

(2) 中国华电集团新疆公司,基于灵活性改造深度调峰下锅炉四管安全监测及金属寿命评估,起止时间: 2023.10-2025.06,项目负责人;

(3) 哈尔滨锅炉厂有限责任公司,熔盐环境蠕变实验服务,起止时间: 2024.07-2025.06,项目负责人;

(4) 东方电气集团东方汽轮机有限公司,高温长时抗水蒸汽氧化性能评估,起止时间: 2024.05-2025.05,项目负责人;

(5) 北京巴布科克·威尔科克斯有限公司,垃圾焚烧锅炉高温烟气环境金属材料抗腐蚀性能试验研究,起止时间: 2023.12-2024.12,项目负责人;

(6) 东方电气集团东方汽轮机有限公司,高温材料的蒸汽氧化研究,起止时间: 2023.10-2025.06,项目负责人;

(7) 中科院金属研究所,4种钢或涂层材料在高温高压水蒸气种的氧化性能测试,起止时间: 2023.10-2024.10,项目负责人;

(8) 北京巴布科克·威尔科克斯有限公司,过热器出口集箱应力状态有限元分析,起止时间: 2023.10-2024.10,项目负责人;

(9) 中科院金属研究所,5种钢或涂层材料在高温高压水蒸气中的氧化性能测试,起止时间:2022.01-2022.12,项目负责人;

(10) 东方电气集团,高温(≥630℃)、动态超临界(≥23MPa)水蒸汽条件下材料及涂层的长时(3000h)抗氧化性能检测,起止时间:2021.01-2.22.12,项目负责人;

(11) 山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司,电站锅炉用钢C-HRA-5高温烟气煤灰腐蚀性能研究,起止时间:2021.01-2022.03,项目负责人;

(12) 山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司,630℃-650℃高参数锅炉用C-HRA-5不锈钢小口径管性能评定,起止时间:2021.01-2022.03,项目负责人;

(13) 中国特种设备检测研究院,超临界水中奥氏体不锈钢氧化性能测试,,起止时间:2020.01-2020.03,项目负责人;

(14) 北京巴布科克威尔科克斯有限公司,不锈钢集箱内表面新型强化工艺及抗氧化性能试验研究,起止时间:2020.01-2020.12,项目负责人;

(15) 上海电气电站设备有限公司,7种汽轮机材料抗蒸汽氧化性能测试分析,起止时间:2020.01-2020.12,项目负责人;

(16) 上海锅炉厂有限公司,700℃超超临界锅炉过热器和再热器壁温特性测试,起止时间:2019.01-2019.12,项目负责人;

(17) 钢铁研究总院,蒸发器用材料的蒸汽氧化性能分析,60万,起止时间:2019.01-2021.12,项目负责人;

(18) 哈尔滨锅炉厂有限公司,高效超超临界参数火力发电锅炉用奥氏体不锈钢集箱模拟件模拟服役状态时的应力/应变测试与高温疲劳数值模拟分析,起止时间:2018.08-2019.12,项目负责人;

(19) 太原钢铁厂有限责任公司,电站锅炉用钢C-HRA-5超临界水环境氧化性能研究,起止时间:2018.07-2019.03,项目负责人;

(20) 中国科学院金属研究所,SIMP钢超临界花生碎环境腐蚀性能检测,起止时间:2018.07-2018.09,项目负责人;


[1] 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李宝让,袁晓娜,白杨。发明专利授权:一种火力发电机组给水处理方法,专利号:ZL201110299982.5,中国,授权日期:2013.07.31

[2] 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李宝让。发明专利授权:超声波测量锅炉管内壁氧化层厚度的校准方法,专利号:ZL201110136264.6,中国,授权日期:2013.03.06;

[3] 张乃强(第一发明人),蒋东方,韦丁萍,岳国强,曹琦,徐鸿。发明专利授权:超临界水煤粉直接氧化复合工质循环发电系统及方法,专利号:ZL201510997651.7,中国,授权日期:2018.05.25;

[4] 张乃强(第一发明人),岳国强,许尧,曹琦,蒋东方,朱忠亮,吕法彬,徐鸿。发明专利授权:一种锅炉汽包排污水的浓缩结晶处理系统及方法,专利号:ZL201510994516.7,中国,授权日期:2018.06.22;

[5] 张乃强(第一发明人),蒋东方,徐鸿,朱忠亮,李梦源,岳国强,倪永中,毛雪平。发明专利授权:一种电站汽水系统全面腐蚀监测系统及方法,专利号:ZL201510765064.5,中国,授权日期:2018.07.31;

[6] 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李梦源,朱忠亮,蒋东方,吕法彬,倪永中,毛雪平。发明专利授权:同实现高温氧化和应力腐蚀开裂试验的装置及方法,专利号:ZL201510736983.X,中国,授权日期:2018.04.10;

[7] 张乃强(第一发明人),蒋东方,高丹,邓博,朱忠亮,孙艳宇,徐鸿,胡三高。发明专利授权:一种基于燃料电池与风能的分布式能源系统,专利号:ZL201510817771.4,中国,授权日期:2018.04.10;

[8] 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李宝让,袁晓娜,白杨。实用新型专利授权:一种高压加还原剂成套装置及火力发电机组给水处理系统,专利号:ZL201110299982.5,中国,授权日期:2011.09.28;

[9] 杨勇平、张乃强、陈衡、潘佩媛、王轶男、杨志平。一种再热蒸汽分开换热的一炉两机火电系统,专利号:ZL202410326302.1,中国,授权日期:2024.12.27;


[1] Li, Kaiyang, Zhongliang Zhu, Bo Xiao, Jing-li Luo, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), State of the art overview material degradation in high-temperature supercritical CO2 environments. Progress in Materials Science, 136(2023): 101107.

[2] Chen, Zhenyu, Zhongliang Zhu, Bihui Wang, Chenhao Ma, Yutong Liu, Hasan Izhar Khan, Peiyuan Pan, Tianyi Zhang, Xishu Wang, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Effect of different loading conditions on corrosion fatigue crack growth rate of a nickel-based alloy in supercritical water. International Journal of Fatigue, 175(2023): 107815.

[3] Xiao, Bo, Kaiyang Li, Dongliang Cen, Bihui Wang, Zhongliang Zhu, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Corrosion performance of austenitic super 304H in supercritical CO2 at different temperatures and O2 impurity. Corrosion Science, 230(2024): 111875.

[4] Li, Kaiyang, Yunlong Zhai, Jiangqi Zhu, Xinyu Hu, Chao Su, Yanqiang Kong, Chao Pan, Dayong Pang, Xingchen Yan, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Effect of building orientation on the in vitro corrosion of biomedical Zn-Cu alloys prepared by selective laser melting. Corrosion Science, 231(2024): 111957.

[5] Wang, Bihui, Kaiyang Li, Ju Liu, Tianrang Yang, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Achieving high-temperature corrosion resistance and conductivity of SUS430 by xCr-MnCo dual-structured coating. Corrosion Science, 220(2023): 111267.

[6] Zhang, Tianyi, Longjun Chen, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Improved passivation performance of selective laser melted Inconel 718 alloy via tempering treatment. Corrosion Science, 238(2024): 112374.

[7] Zhang, Tianyi, Zhongliang Zhu, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Effects of laser shock processing on the microstructure evolution and the oxidation behavior of TP347H austenitic steel in supercritical water environment. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 323(2024): 129629.

[8] Zhang, Tianyi, Zhenyu Chen, Kaiyang Li, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Investigation on the hydrogen induced cracking behaviour of heat-treated pipeline steel. Engineering Failure Analysis, 157(2024): 107909.

[9] Wang, Bihui, Kaiyang Li, Ju Liu, Tianrang Yang, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Fabricating a MnCo coating to improve oxidation resistance and electrical conductivity of Crofer22H alloy as SOFC interconnect. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 50(2024): 1503-1514.

[10] Wang, Bihui, Kaiyang Li, Ju Liu, Tianyi Zhang, Tianrang Yang, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Promoting electric conductivity of MnCo spinel coating by doping transition metals (Cu, Fe) or rare-earth elements (La, Y) for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 61(2024): 216-225.

[11] Su, Chao, Zhidong Chen, Zexuan Wu, Jing Zhang, Kaiyang Li, Junhong Hao, Yanqiang Kong, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Experimental and numerical study of thermal coupling on catalyst-coated membrane for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer. Applied Energy, 357(2024): 122442.

[12] Su, Chao, Zhidong Chen, Hongwei Zhan, Zhengyu Wang, Dingchen Zhang, Zexuan Wu, Kaiyang Li, Lijun Yang, Xiaoze Du, Junhong Hao, Yanqiang Kong, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Optimal design and performance analysis of anode flow channels in proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 248(2024): 123201.

[13] Zhou, Mi, Junchen Li, Zhijie Qiu, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Numerical investigation of thermal-mixing characteristics at vertically oriented T-junction pipelines. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 106(2024): 109292.

[14] Zeng, Zilun, Yuhang Li, Hongyuan Li, Chao Wang, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Hong Xu, Experimental study on particle deposition of Fe3O4 in supercritical heat exchange tube. Powder Technology, 433(2024): 119198.

[15] Zhongliang Zhu, Yuyang Li; Chenhao Ma, Xueying Liu, Guangkui Liu, Shuo Wang, Hong Xu, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者). The corrosion behavior of nickel-based alloy Inconel 740H in supercritical water, Corrosion Science, 192(2021): 109848.

[16] Peiyuan Pan, Weijian Zhou, Heng Chen, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者). Investigation on the Corrosion of the Elbows in the Flue Gas Cooler of a 600 MW Coal-Fired Power Plant, ACS Omega, 50(2020): 32551-32563.

[17] Zhongliang Zhu, Ruitao Li, Xiao Liu,Hasan Izhar Khan,Hong Xu, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者). The characterization of oxide scales formed on ferritic-martensitic steel in supercritical water with dissolved oxygen. Corrosion Science 174(2020) 108810.

[18] Hao-zhi ChenBao-rang LiBo WenQingYeNai-qiang Zhang. Corrosion resistance of iron-chromium-aluminium steel in eutectic molten salts under thermal cycling conditions. Corrosion Science 173(2020) 108798.

[19] Zhongliang Zhu, Yi Cheng, Bo Xiao, Hasan Izhar Khan,Hong Xu, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者). Corrosion behavior of ferritic and ferritic-martensitic steels in supercritical carbon dioxide, Energy 175(2019)1075-1084.

[20] Nai-qiang Zhang(第一作者), Zhong-liang Zhu, Hong Xu*, Xue-ping Mao, Ju Li*. Oxidation of ferritic and ferritic martensitic steels in flowing and static supercritical water, Corrosion Science 103 (2016) 124-131.

[21] Zhongliang Zhu, Hong Xu, Dongfang Jiang, Xueping Mao, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者). Influence of temperature on the oxidation behaviour of aferritic-martensitic steel in supercritical water. Corrosion Science 113 (2016)172-179.

[22] Nai-qiang ZHANG, Hong XU, Bao-rang LI, Yang BAI, Dong-yu Liu. Influence of the Dissolved Oxygen Content on Corrosion of the Ferritic-martensitic Steel P92 in Supercritical Water. Corrosion science 56(2012)123-128.

[23] Quanqiang Shi, Wei Yan, Yanfen Li, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Yiyin Shan, Ke Yang*, Hiroaki Abe. Oxidation behavior of ferritic/martensitic steels in flowing supercritical water. Journal of Materials Science & Technology(2020)doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.jmst.2020. 01.009.

[24] Hasan Izhar Khan, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Weiqiao Xu1, Zhongliang Zhu1, Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu.Effect of maximum stress intensity factor, loading mode, and temperature on corrosion fatigue cracking behavior of Inconel 617 in supercritical water. International Journal of Fatigue 118(2019)22-34.

[25] Hong Xu, Bo Deng, Dongfang Jiang, Yongzhong Ni, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者).The finite volume method for evaluating the wall temperature profiles of the superheater and reheater tubes in power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering 112(2016) 362-370.

[26] Zhongliang Zhu, Hong Xu, Dongfang Jiang, Guoqiang Yue, Baorang Li, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者).The role of dissolved oxygen in supercritical water in the oxidation of ferritic-martensitic steel. Journal of Supercritical Fluids 108 (2016)56-60.

[27] Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu, Bo Deng, Mengyuan Li, Zhuonan Xiao, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者).Effect of oxygenated treatment on corrosion of the whole steam-water system in supercritical power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering 93 (2016) 1248-1253.

[28] Naiqiang Zhang(第一作者), Zhongliang Zhu, Guoqiang Yue, Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu*. The oxidation behaviour of an austenitic steel in deaerated supercritical water at 600-700℃. Materials Characterization 132(2017)119-125.

[29] Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu, Hasan Izhar Khan, Zhongliang Zhu, Bo Deng, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者). Transport of corrosion products in the steam-water cycle of supercritical power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering 113(2017)1164-1169.

[30] Hasan Izhar Khan, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者), Guoqiang Yue, Dongfang Jiang, Tahir Asif, Hong Xu. Environmentally assisted crack growth rate of an austenitic steel TP347HFG in high-temperature medium. Materials and Corrosion, 69(2018), 1064-1076.

[31] Naiqiang Zhang(第一作者), Qi Cao , Jiajia Gui , Mengyuan Li, Yongzhong Ni, Hong Xu*.Oxidation and chromia evaporation of austenitic steel TP347HFG in supercritical water. Materials at High Temperatures, 35(2018), 461-468.

[32] Naiqiang Zhang(第一作者), Zhongliang Zhu, Qi Cao, Jiajia Gui, Hong Xu*.Influence of temperature on the oxidation behavior of an austenitic steel in deaerated supercritical water. Materials and Corrosion 69(2017) 319-327.

[33] Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu, Zhongliang Zhu, Bo Deng, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者). Influence of Exposure Environment on the Corrosion Resistance of 2–9% Cr Steels. Oxidation of Metals 87(2017)189-197.

[34] Naiqiang Zhang(第一作者),Zhongliang Zhu, Fabin Lv, Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu*. Influence of Exposure Pressure on Oxidation Behavior of the Ferritic-martensitic Steel in Steam and Supercritical Water. Oxidation of Metals 86(2016)113-124.

[35] Naiqiang Zhang(第一作者), Guoqiang Yue, Fabin Lv, Zhongliang Zhu, Hasan Izhar Khan, Hong Xu*.Oxidation of low-alloy steel in high temperature steam and supercritical water. Materials at High Temperatures 34(2017)222-228.

[36] Dan Gao, Dongfang Jiang, Naiqiang Zhang. Chapter 26 : An Integrated Energy Storage System Based on Hydrogen Storage in 《An Integrated Energy Storage System Based on Hydrogen Storage》(Georgios M. Kopanos,Pei Liu,Michael C. Georgiadis) [M] Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2017, 771-801.

[37] Hong Xu, Zhong-liang Zhu, Nai-qiang Zhang*. Oxidation of Ferritic Steel T24 in Supercritical Water. Oxidation of Metals 2014, 82(1-2):21-3.

[38] I. DumnernchanvanitVikash MishraNai-qiang ZhangSean RobertsonAlexandra DelmoreG. MotaDennis F. HusseyG. WangWilliam ByersMichael Philip Short*.The fractalline properties of experimentally simulated PWR fuel crud, Journal of Nuclear Materials 499(2018)294-300.

[39] I. Dumnernchanvanit, N.Q. Zhang, S. Robertson, A. Delmore, M.B. Carlson, D. Hussey, M.P. Short*.Initial experimental evaluation of crud-resistant materials for light water reactors, Journal of Nuclear Materials 499(2018)1-8.

[40] 周伟健; 潘佩媛; 张乃强*. 东北地区草本生物质灰熔融及结渣特性实验研究, 热力发电, 2021, 1-11.

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[42] 张乃强, 岳国强, 吕法彬, 曹琦, 李梦源, 徐鸿*. Inconel625 在高温水蒸气环境中应力腐蚀开裂裂纹扩展速率研究. 中国腐蚀与防护学报 (2017)

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