时间: 2020-07-10 来源:
2009年毕业于中科院热能工程专业,获博士学位。2013年毕业于挪威东南大学微纳系统技术专业,获博士学位,2014-2016年挪威东南大学博士后。现为华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院教授。围绕多相流传热传质﹑光热等离激元学﹑能源系统工程等基础科学问题开展深入研究,取得创新成果包括:提出数字化汽泡调控沸腾传热新原理,强化换热并消除流动不稳定性;创建两步阳极氧化新方法,调控制备晶化纳米管膜用于光电探测;建立光热边界层新概念,在太阳能蒸发中得到应用验证。在Physics Reports, Chemical Society Reviews, Nano Energy等国内外期刊上发表论文100余篇, SCI引用3000余次,申请国家发明专利10余项,在Springer Nature上出版个人专著1部。兼任国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家,科技部国家重点研发计划会评专家,教育部学位中心论文评审专家。
承担本科生 <新能源发电> <工程热力学> <热工基础> 等课程教学工作,已培养毕业博士或硕士研究生20余名,多名学生获国家奖学金/优秀博士奖学金。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, No. 52376143,主持 2024-2027
2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,主持 2024-2028
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.52076077,主持 2021-2024
4. 华北电力大学人才引进科研启动项目,主持 2018-2021
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.51576002,主持 2016-2019
6. 省引进高校XX人才项目,主持 2013-2016
1. Guohua Liu, et al. Progress in thermoplasmonics for solar energy applications. Physics Reports 981 (2022) 1-50.
2. Kaiying Wang, Guohua Liu, et al. Electrochemical engineering of hollow nanoarchitectures: pulse/step anodization (Si, Al, Ti) and their applications, Chemical Society Reviews 43(2014)1476-1500.
3. Chaoqun Cheng, Guohua Liu, et al. Enhanced visible light catalytic activity of MoS2/TiO2/Ti photocathode by hybrid-junction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 237 (2018) 416-423
4. Guohua Liu, et al. Solar water evaporation by black photothermal sheets, Nano energy, 41(2017)269-284
5. Lin Wang, Yijun Feng, Kaiying Wang, Guohua Liu. Solar water sterilization enabled by photothermal nanomaterials. Nano Energy 87 (2021) 106158
6. Zengxing Zhang, Yonghua Wang, Per Anders Stensby Hansen, Kang Du, Kim Robert Gustavsen, Guohua Liu, et al. Black silicon with order-disordered structures for enhanced light trapping and photothermic conversion. Nano Energy, 65 (2019) 103992
7. Zubair Masaud, Guohua Liu, et al. Pulsed electrocatalysis for renewable energy and environmental applications. Chemical Engineering Journal 475 (2023) 145882
8. Xinzhe Liu, Qingyuan Liu, Zheng Liu, Guohua Liu. 3D Printing Cup Evaporator with Open Architecture for Seawater Desalination. Chemical Engineering Journal, 505 (2025) 159221
9. Tao Feng, Guohua Liu, et al. Engineering iron-rich nanomaterials for supercapacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal 473 (2023) 145045
10.Guohua Liu, et al. Solar evaporation for simultaneous steam and power generation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(2020)513-53
11.Guohua Liu, et al. Blue energy harvesting on nanostructured carbon Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (2018)18357-18377
12.Guohua Liu, et al. Plasmon-dominated photoelectrodes for solar water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(2017)4233-4253
13.Qingyuan Liu, Zheng Liu, Guohua Liu. Solar evaporation of liquid marbles with Fe3O4/CNT hybrid nanostructures. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 677 (2025) 25-34
14.Yijun Feng, Guansheng Yao, Jinliang Xu, Lin Wang, Guohua Liu. Effect of surface roughness on solar evaporation of liquid marbles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 629 (2023) 644-653
15.Guohua Liu, Ting Chen, Jinliang Xu, et al. Salt-rejecting solar interfacial evaporation. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 2021, 100310
16.Zengxing Zhang, Thomas Martinsen, Guohua Liu, et al. Ultralow broadband reflectivity in black silicon via synergy between hierarchical texture and specific size Au nanoparticles. Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 2000668
17.Zheng Liu, Qingyuan Liu, Xinzhe Liu, Guohua Liu. Synergy Effects of pH and Thermal Localization on Membrane-based Salinity Gradient Energy Harvesting. Desalination 586 (2024) 117843
18.Zheng Liu, Ting Chen, Guohua Liu. Effect of the Dielectric Membrane Channel on Salinity Gradient Energy Conversion. Desalination 574 (2024) 117287
19.Lin Wang, Zheng Liu, Jinliang Xu, Kaiying Wang, Guohua Liu. Conical solar-thermo-radiative evaporator for sustainable desalination and salt recovery. Desalination 567 (2023) 116993
20.Zheng Liu, Jinliang Xu, Ting Chen, Qingyuan Liu, Xinzhe Liu, Guohua Liu. Self-floating Janus hydrovoltaics for sustainable electricity generation. Journal of Power Sources 628 (2025) 235934
21.Zheng Liu, Qingyang Wang, Ting Chen, Kaiying Wang, Guohua Liu. Energy Harvesting from Carbon-based Rope Driven by Capillary Flow. Journal of Power Sources 618 (2024) 235193
22.Qiang Zhang, Ranbin Chen, Haisheng San, Guohua Liu, et al. Betavoltaic effect in titanium dioxide nanotube arrays under build-in potential difference, Journal of Power Sources, 282 (2015) 529-533
23.Qingyuan Liu, Zheng Liu, Jinliang Xu, Ting Chen, Guohua Liu. Solar evaporation of liquid marbles with composite nanowire arrays. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 236 (2025) 126275
24.Zheng Liu, Yijun Feng, Lin Wang, Qingyuan Liu, Guohua Liu. Electrokinetic energy conversion in the nanochannel coupled with surface charge and slip effects. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 204 (2023) 123874
25.Xiongjiang Yu, Jinliang Xu, Guohua Liu, et al. Phase separation evaporator using pin-fin-porous wall microchannels: Comprehensive upgrading of thermal-hydraulic operating performance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 164 (2021) 120460
26.Hao Wang, Jinliang Xu, Xin Yan, and Guohua Liu. Critical laser frequency for nanofluid pendant droplet evaporation. Physics of Fluids, 36 (2024) 022008
27.Suqin Zhang, Qingyuan Liu, Ting Chen, Zheng Liu, Guohua Liu. Solar thermoplasmonic convection for sustainable removal of microplastics. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 282 (2025) 113416
28.Qingyuan Liu, Lin Wang, Zheng Liu, Guohua Liu. Solar evaporation of liquid marbles with tunable nanowire array. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 264 (2024) 112626
29.Hanwen Wang, Kaiying Wang, Guohua Liu. Drag reduction by gas lubrication with bubbles. Ocean Engineering, 258 (2022) 111833
30.Yijun Feng, Lin Wang, Jinliang Xu, Guohua Liu. Effect of particle size on the stripping dynamics during impacting of liquid marbles onto liquid film. Soft Matter 18(2022)5230-5238
1. Guohua Liu. Thermoplasmonics. Springer Nature 2024, ISBN 978-981-97-8332-8.
2. Guohua Liu. Synthesis and Applications of Free-standing TiO2 Nanotube Membranes.Vestfold University College 2013, ISBN 978-82-7860-233-1.